Animal Hospital at Thorndale, INC.

Holiday Gifts for Pets

Santa Claus with two goldens
What would your pets ask Santa for?

Want to let your pets know you love them? Don’t have a clue what to give your pets for the holidays? Here are some holiday gifts for pets you just might want to consider:

  1. A total body massage by your own loving hands.
  2. Hang a bird feeder near an accessible window or glass slider. Fill with seed for birds and squirrels. Give your pets a “live action wildlife movie”.
  3. Spend an hour playing chase the laser light or fetch the ball.
  4. A trip to the veterinarian (really) for an exam, screening blood tests and urinalysis to make certain all the parts are humming along.
  5. A belly rub and/or a butt rub. Repeat.
  6. A tooth brush and tooth paste for pets, and then get brushing. Maybe schedule that dental cleaning you’ve been putting off.
  7. A new leash and making sure to use it more often. Commit to walk off their extra pounds for a healthier you and them.
  8. A microchip so your pet can be reunited with you if lost.
  9. A slow, relaxing, head to toe brush out and then perhaps a pedicure.
  10. Sitting on the floor with them and just hanging out. Tell them about your day.
  11. Hugs, hugs, hugs, and more hugs.
  12. And Finally…………………………………
Cat in pile of stuffed animals
There can Never Be Too Many Toys!




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