Animal Hospital at Thorndale, INC.

Covid 19 – Can Cats Be Infected?

Information on how Covid 19 may affect pets is changing daily
Information on how Covid 19 may affect pets is changing daily
Information on how Covid 19 may affect our pets is changing daily

A few lions and tigers at the Bronx zoo began to show signs of Covid 19 infection after coming into contact with an asymptomatic zoo employee. Officials tested only one tiger because obtaining samples requires anesthesia for the large cats. The sick cats had dry coughs and loss of appetite. The World Health Organization (WHO) is now looking into whether we can infect our domestic felines. We also need to understand whether our cats can infect each other. The answer to both these questions appears to be qualified “yes”.

Chinese Study Shows Cats Can Get Covid 19 Infection

The Chinese, back in January and February, performed studies to determine which species of animals might be helpful to test a vaccine response. They intentionally administered the SARS-CoV-2 to animals of different species directly into their noses. SARS-CoV-2 is the scientific name for the virus that causes Covid 19 disease. Both cats and ferrets were found to be susceptible to the virus. Dogs were very unlikely to be infected. Chickens, ducks, and pigs were not infected when administered the virus.

Furthermore, the Chinese study showed that some cats could transmit the virus to one another through respiratory droplets. Kittens developed severe lesions in their lungs, noses and throats. Ferrets, though infected, did not develop severe disease.

It is important to keep in mind that these original infections were implanted directly into these animals. We have very little information about whether our pets can be naturally infected. Infections in pet animals remains rare, despite the massive numbers of human infections.

How to Keep Your Pets Safe from Covid 19 Infection

Hand washing and covering any coughs and sneezes are the most important things we can all do to protect humans and pets. If there is a Covid-19 positive person in the house, it is very important to prevent spread of disease to others, human and furry family members. It now appears especially important that family cats should not be in contact with an infected person. Always wash your hands before and after handling your pets.

If one of your pets becomes ill with signs of Covid 19, keep it isolated from other pets and humans. Designate a caregiver who wears protective clothing (mask, gloves and change of clothes if available) who is the only person in contact with your pet. Wash hands before and after handling the pet. Remember this is a viral infection so antibiotics are not helpful. Call your veterinarian.

Testing for Covid 19 in Pets

At this writing, there is no routine testing of pets for Covid 19. The tests used for animals are not the same tests that are being used in humans. At some future time, the State Health Department may make testing available to veterinarians. The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently studying whether pets can transmit the virus to humans. While the evidence to date suggests this may be rare, caution dictates the pet lovers follow all the basic hygiene rules of hand washing, keeping pet bedding and dishes clean, and pets well cared for. Also, we should add, social distancing for pets, as well as humans, may be an important consideration.

Best Resources for Updates

We recommend checking back frequently for the latest updates. The AVMA (American Veterinary Medicine Association and the PVMA (Pennsylvania Veterinary Medicine Associationare posting updates regularly.


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