Animal Hospital at Thorndale, INC.

What Cat Owners Need to Know

Cat owners need to know that string toys can be extremely dangerous if eaten by your cat
Cat owners need to know that string toys can be extremely dangerous if eaten by your cat
String toys can be extremely dangerous if eaten by your cat

Cat owners know that cats can be fussy creatures. Cats rule the house. And they have rules for what behaviors they will and will not tolerate from us. Once we do something to annoy our cats, we have to pay the consequences. They may hiss, walk away in disgust, or even lash out with claws or teeth. If you want to keep on your cat’s good side, you need to know what things your cat hates so you can avoid annoying him. You also need to know what things you might do that could be potentially dangerous for your cat, even though you think you are helping them.

Cats Want Love, but on Their Own Terms.

We want our cats to love us. We pick them up. Cuddle them. Carry them around. However, cats do not enjoy having attention forced upon them. Sure, they enjoy petting and snuggling, but on their own terms. If your cat is putting up any resistance at all, set them loose. They will come back when they want attention again. Respect their right to chose when they want to snuggle.

Playtime Rules for Cat Owners

Teaching a kitten that your moving hands or feet are play toys can only lead to trouble down the line. You do not want your 10 pound cat pouncing and chomping on your calf as you walk into the house with a bag of groceries. Teach your cat to play with appropriate toys, not your physical body. If your kitten is pouncing, freeze any motion and they will quickly lose interest and move on. Never use physical punishment with a cat. That only teaches them fear and avoidance of you.

Speaking of play toys, many cat owners are not aware of how deadly yarn and string toys can be. One of the most common emergency surgeries for cats is having an ingested string removed from their stomach and intestines. One end of an eaten string can get stuck and the remaining piece travels down the intestines. The string then acts as a kind of saw, slicing against the moving intestines. Very painful and deadly. If you have cat toys with strings attached, always put them away securely when done playing and never leave your cat alone with them. Just because a toy is labelled for cats at the pet store, it does not mean that toy will be safe.

Cats Are Unusual Inside as Well as Out

Another big “no,no” is giving human medications to a cat without be directed to do so by your veterinarian. Cats are not little humans, nor are they little dogs. Their metabolism is very different. One Tylenol (acetaminophen) tablet can cause a severe anemia and even death in a cat. Many pain relievers commonly given to dogs are also not safe for cats. Never give your cat any medication that was not prescribed for that specific cat by your veterinarian.

Along the same lines, many house plants can be very toxic to cats. Cats love to nibble on greens. Be certain the plants you have in your house are cat safe. Ingestion of Easter lilies is a common cause of kidney failure in cats. For more information on poisonous plants and other toxins, visit the ASPCA Poison Control Center website.

Most importantly, pay attention to your cat’s behaviors. Cats are great at hiding illnesses, often until things have progressed to a very serious stage. If you have any concerns, give your veterinarian a call. That is what we are here for.



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